Просмотр полной версии : QboxHD Настройки

30.06.2010, 02:24
Купил QboxHD от Duolabs, пока всё впечатляет но никак ЕМУ немогу настроить, буду очень благадарен за помощь, я сижу уже 5 дней и никак немогу понять как оно в нём действует, здесь стоит "QboxHD Softcam Panel V2.0.0" с встроеными Softcam´s kak: "Incubus Camd" , "mbox 0.5 B21" , "mbox-newcs" , "Mgcamd 1.35","OsCam2139" и "RaDaR 4,11"
где что находится:
var/etc : radar.cfg выглядет так :
RaDar Cfg Version: 4.11]

# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
# -=- This new RaDaR 2.6 supports card server & emu inside =-=-
# -=- Now your QBoxHD can work as card server =-=-
# -=- to share your local Smartcards. =-=-
# -=- No more need for CCCam to make it work!! =-=-
# -=- =-=-
# -=- Supported Smartcards: =-=-
# -=- =-=-
# -=- * Viaccess =-=-
# -=- * Seca (with EMM) =-=-
# -=- * Irdeto (with EMM) =-=-
# -=- * Viaccess (with EMM) =-=-
# -=- * Nagra (mediaset and TvSat) no sharing (with EMM) =-=-
# -=- * NDz =-=-
# -=- * Cryptoworks =-=-
# -=- * Conax (with EMM) =-=-
# -=- * Minors =-=-
# -=- * HD+ =-=-
# -=- =-=-
# -=- Radar Client is compatibile with: =-=-
# -=- * CCCam Servers (tested only with server 2.0.11) =-=-
# -=- * GBox Servers =-=-
# -=- * NewCamD Servers =-=-
# -=- =-=-
# -=- Radar Server is compatibile with: =-=-
# -=- * Radar Clients only ATM =-=-
# -=- =-=-
# -=- Radar is extremely flexible and will search =-=-
# -=- on all possible servers to resolve the =-=-
# -=- control word on time. =-=-
# -=- =-=-
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

#------------------- GENERAL CONFIGURATIONS --------------------------#

# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
# -= CARD LOG =-
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
#Set this flag to "1" to enable add/remove !! CCCAM !! card log
cardlog: 0

# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
# -= QBOXHD LED =-
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

# Use front panel leds for visible check out of send ecm/get cw ,
# please choose only one option: PANEL or BOARD
# you can also select which color give to your leds !( in HSV format)
# correct range value for HSV are: Hue(0-360) Saturation(0-100) Value(0-100)
# example: 'L: led_check_system PANEL 0 100 100' we want RED on front panel.

#L: led_check_system PANEL H S V
#L: led_check_system BOARD H S V

# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

# Set this flag to enable internal Radar smartcard management.
# set "ON" or "OFF" for each smart slot of decoder (Upper or lower).
# Radar can work using NewCS as card reading system or its internal card reading system.
# Radar and NewCS cannot work both at the same time.
# Some combination can be applied.
# Here is an Example 1:
# [SmartCard Manager]
# UpperSlot=ON Radar Card reading system
# LowerSlot=OFF NewCS Card reading system (in this case you must add the NewCS line, see example 2)

[SmartCard Manager]

# Expample 2. Assign NewCS card reading line. (Remember to remove the first # to get it to work!)
# #Upper Slot (Port 30001) - (radar radar = username password) - (01 02 ... is the 3Des Key)
# N: 30001 radar radar 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
# #Lower Slot (Port 30000) - (radar radar = username password) - (01 02 ... is the 3Des Key)
# N: 30000 radar radar 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

# ************************************************** *********
# ***** E M U C O N F I G U R A T I O N *********
# ************************************************** *********

[Internal Emu]


# ************************************************** *********
# ***** C L I E N T C O N F I G U R A T I O N *********
# ************************************************** *********

#------------------- CCCAM OR GBOX CLIENT LINES ----------------------#

# Insert here CCCam line (if you are a CCCam Client). Multiple line accepted.
# Insert here GBox line (if you are a GBox Client).
# You can insert ONLY one GBox line.

#--------------------- RADAR CLIENT LINES ---------------------------#

# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
# This option enables you to connect to a Radar Server.
R: Line ----> Radar Server 1
R: Line ----> Radar Server 2
# Multiple line are accepted.
# Any port can be used as long as server and client are using the same port (important).
# Example 3 Radar Client Line:
#R: Server.dyndns.tv 4015 USER PASSWORT 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 lan cardserv

# ************************************************** *********
# ***** S E R V E R C O N F I G U R A T I O N *********
# ************************************************** *********

#----------------------RADAR CONFIG SERVER ---------------------------#

# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-

[Set Server mode ON or OFF]

# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
# -= SERVER's PORT =-
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
# Please set here the server port number (xxx). Server port must be the same as client port.

[Set Server Port Number]

# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-
# This is the allowed to connect user list.
# Here you can set the users name and passwords that can connect to your server.
# You can decide how many accounts can be logged in simultanously. Extra connections will be denied.
# All parameters MUST be set.
# Sharing level is the number of re-sharing that can be done related to a control word.
# Example 4:
# F: user1 password1 2 3

[Allowed Users]

# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-

# Here you can set a list of pairs < caid -- sid > which won't be processed by server.
# If the received ecm match one of theese rules it will be discard !

# Example 5:
# EXCLUDE 919 2dca
# incoming ecm with caid <0x919> and sid <0x2dca> will be discard !

# EXCLUDE caid sid

30.06.2010, 02:36
в var/keys : лежат cccamd.list.example, cwshare.cfg, incubusCamd.config.prio, incubusCamd.conf, mbox.cfg, mg_cfg, newcamd.list.example, peer.cfg.example и SoftCam.Key

выглядят так:

C: 12000 user1 pass1

M: { { AA114444 }}
C: { 30000 mbox mbox 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 } { 10 } { }
C: { 30001 mbox mbox 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 } { 10 } { 05000910:05024400 }





########################### provider configuration ###########################


########################### servers configuration ############################

########################### CaIDs tunneling configuration ############################

1833:1702:000000:0080 #History HD
1833:1702:000000:0081 #Sky Sport HD
1833:1702:000000:0082 #Discovery HD
1833:1702:000000:0083 #Sky Cinema HD
1833:1702:000000:0084 #EuroSport HD
1833:1702:000000:007E #Disney Cinemagic HD
1833:1702:000000:007F #National Geography HD



A: { 1 } // for QBoxHD receivers or for any receivers if needed it
//A: { x }
//Choose adapter path
//x=0 -> /dev/dvb/adapter0/
//x=1 -> /dev/dvb/adapter1/
//x=2 -> /dev/dvb/adapter2/
//x=.. -> .......
//default x=0

/************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/

D: { 6 }

//D: { x }
//x=0 -> disable
//x=1 -> enable dbox2 cw writing
//x=2 -> enable STAPI for IPBOX
//x=3 -> enable STAPI for Kathrein
//x=4 -> enable Linux DVB API for Kathrein
//x=5 -> enable triple dragon
//x=6 -> enable Qbox HD
//x=7 -> enable STAPI for Kathrein ufs922 -> dont work CSA decoding :(
//default disabled

/************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/

B: { 0 0 0 }

//B: { 1 } // for local watching over DVB

//B: { x IP_listen IP_send }
//x=0 -> disable local UDP ports 8004-80xx ,this ports are used with DVB cards and gbox plugin (Windows and Linux)
//x=1 -> enable
//IP_listen -> on what IP to wait for PMT and ECMs
//IP_send -> on what IP to send DCW
//default disabled

/************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/

Z: { 12 01 } { 8000 }

// Z option -> control sending/writing current informations
// Z: { xy 0z } { IP port }
// x=0 -> don't print time stamp (in console screen and in debug file)
// x=1 -> print time stamp ( .... )
// y=0 -> no writing/sending informations to debug file/destination IP
// y=1 -> send informations to destination IP but not in debug file
// y=2 -> write informations to debug file but don't send to destination IP
// y=3 -> write/send informations to debug file/destination IP
// z=0 -> dont write debug text in console window
// z=1 -> write debug text in console windows
// IP port -> destination IP and UDP port where to send informations
// no default

/************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/

#C: { 7999 }

// C option -> control receiving some command messages localy or from another IP
// C: { IP port }
// IP-> your local IP or you DNS
// port -> on what port you will be waiting command messages
// no default

/************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/

L: { 1 }

// L option -> how mbox to menage virtual card(s) with level 0
// ( only for peer(s) who have and can reshare virtual cards but don't want to use LEVEL 0 card(s) for them self)
// L: { x }
// x=0 -> don't load any virtual cards with LEVEL 0, you can't use them for your self
// x=1 -> load all virtual cards with LEVEL 0 ,you will be using them for your self
// default 1

/************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/

#G: { /hdd/ }

//G option -> redirect writing ONLY debug.txt file to internal or external HDD in receivers or for any other reason.
//Remove #, ONLY if you want to use this option !!!!!!!

/************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/

T: { /tmp/ }

// T option -> where to store temp files ... (share.info,debug.txt ,etc.)
// T: { folder_path_to_files, example: T: { /tmp/ } }

/************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/

K: { /var/keys/ }

// K option -> where is cwshare.cfg,mbox.prio file
// K: { folder_path_to_files, example: K: { /var/keys/ } }

/************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/

M: { 1 }

// M option -> Mode option
// M: { x }
// x=0 -> local mode no NET
// x=1 -> NET mode
// default 0

/************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/

P: { 2/tmp/camd.socket }

// P option -> PMT location (Dont used with linux and windows)
// you must be tuned to channel so image can generate this file
// { /tmp/pmt.tmp } for receivers and images that create this file <- use this if you can
// { /tmp/pmtX.tmp } X-> number -> pmt1.tmp ......
// { 1/tmp/camd.socket } for enigma 1
// { 2/tmp/camd.socket } for enigma 2

/************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/

W: { 0 }

// W option -> write raw ECM to ecm.raw file
// W: { x }
// x=0 -> disabled
// x=1 -> enabled
// default disabled

/************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/

Q: { 300 }

//Q option -> newcamd connect retry in sec.
//Q: { x }
// default 300 sec.

/************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/

F: { 500 }

//F option -> reset writing debug.txt from begining if file size is higher then (x)(KB)
//F { x } -> decimal in KBytes
//default 500 KB

/************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/

//V: { card_type | device number | clock | inverse_Reset | inverse_CD_Line | detect card over CTS | DM800/8000 | dbox }
#V: { 3 1 3571200 0 0 0 0 0 } // external reader example -> Seca card, com1 port, clock 3.57 Mhz,
#V: { 3 2 3571200 1 0 0 0 0 }
#V: { 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 } // dreambox example -> Seca card,sci0 slot,3.33 Mhz

// [card_type]:
// Seca 3
// Irdeto 4
// Conax 5
// Cryptoworks 6
// Viaccess 7
// NDS 8
// Nagravision 9

// [device number]:
// COM1/ttyS0 1
// COM2/ttyS1 2
// /dev/sci0 3
// /dev/sci1 4
// /dev/usb/tts/0 5
// /dev/usb/tts/1 6
// /dev/tts/0 7
// /dev/tts/1 8
// /dev/ttyUSB0 9
// /dev/ttyUSB1 10
// /dev/scard0 11 //azbox
// /dev/scard1 12 //azbox

//for COM ports and external card readers in Hz!!!

//for SCI DreamBox slots use this values
// 1 - 3.33 Mhz
// 2 - 3.63 Mhz
// 3 - 4 Mhz
// 4 - 4.44 Mhz
// 5 - 5Mhz
// 6 - 5.71 Mhz
// 7 - 6.66 Mhz
// 8 - 8 Mhz

//[Inverse Reset]
// 1 -yes
// 0 -no
//for GPIO

//[Inverse CD Line Detection]
//1 - yes
//0 - no

//[Detect card over CTS signal]
//1 - yes
//0 - no

//[DM800/8000 box]
//1 - yes
//0 - no

//[dbox serial/multicam]
//1 - yes
//0 - no

/************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/

#J: { 1 }
// J option -> enable adding betacrypt header to N3 ECM for Premier
// J { x }
// x = 0 -> disabled
// x = 1 -> enabled

/************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/

#S: { COM1 115200 }
//S option -> enable sssp protocol
//S: { x baud }
//x= serial device ...
//valids baud -> 115200,57600,38400,19200,9600
/************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/

# EMM messages
# 00 don't show any EMMs (default)
# 01 show only valid EMMs
# 02 show valid and bad EMMs with complete data display
M: { 01 }

# ECM messages
# 00 don't show anything about ecm
# 01 normal mode, show pids processed, decoded ecm and cw
# 02 verbose mode, show valid and bad ECMs with data
C: { 01 }

# AU
# 00 disable, no emm pids processed
# 01 enable, emm pids always processed for soft-au and shared cards
# 02 auto, emm started only if channel cant be decoded
# 03 process emm pids for network cards update only
A: { 00 }

# key update (sum 01 or 02 with 04)
# 01 update only new keys, default setting
# 02 update all keys (used for valid PMK checking)
# 04 enable TPS au
# + tps SID, which pmt pid contains au pid
U: { 01 } 0x12c0

# config files folder (softcam, autoroll, ignore/priority)
# 00 files in /var/keys
# 01 files in /tmp
T: { 00 }

# network mode, use summ for several clients
# 00 no network (default)
# 01 newcamd netclient
# 02 radegast netclient
# 04 camd3 netclient
# 08 gbox netclient
# 32 cccamd netclient, card list saved as /tmp/cccamd.info
# (ECM only, supported server version up to 2.1.1, later not work)
G: { 01 }

# network retry, use summ for several options
# 00 disable
# 01 retry every new ecm
# 02 try to connect to offline shares every Q: seconds
# 04 try to detect and fast reconnect to lost (and not used atm) server
# + XX messages number and YY seconds to reconnect
# mg will reconnect to server, if no answer to last XX ecm/keepalive or
# if no answer for last ecm or keepalive sent for YY seconds
# set to 0 to disable
N: { 01 } 5 30

# network ecm timeout in seconds
K: { 07 }

# newcamd dead routes connect retry, sec
Q: { 150 }

# network shares priority
# 00 gbox, newcamd, cccamd, radegast, camd3 (default)
# 01 camd3, radegast, cccamd, gbox, newcamd
# 02 cccamd, newcamd, camd3, gbox, radegast
P: { 02 }

# on screen display type
# 00 No OSD (default)
# 01 neutrino
# 02 enigma
# 03 relook
# + user password for http auth

# on screen display Options, summ of:
# 01 show emu ecm
# 02 show network shares messages
# 04 show decoding failed / fta
# 08 show emm keys update
# + web port to use for osd
S: { 03 } 80

# Log option, summ of:
# 00 off
# 01 network udp log
# 02 log to console
# 04 file, appended ! delete it by yourself, before it eat all your hdd
# + IP udp-port log-file-name
L: { 02 } 514 /tmp/mgcamd.log

# keep ecm cache, seconds
# every cache entry takes 28 bytes, so 24h cache will take *only* 240-400kb of memory,
# for openbox/elanvision users with remote shares make sense to set it higher than default value,
# to not hammer cards while timeshifting or playing crypted recordings.
E: { 00 }

# cache option, summ of:
# 00 Off (default)
# 01 Ecm pids cache, store pids used to decode in /tmp/ca_cache.list at exit, load at startup, same syntax as restore.list
# 02 Ecm data cache, remember CW for (E:) time
# 04 Emm cache for network cards, do not resend the same emm twice, cache not cleared until restart
H: { 07 }

# reread files, summ of:
# 00 No (default)
# 01 reread config file on channel change (including priority and ignore, but not replace/cache)
# 02 reread SoftCam.Key on channel change
# 04 reread SoftCam.Key if file changed
R: { 00 }

# debug, summ of
# 00 off (default)
# 01 debug ecm
# 02 debug emm
# 04 debug network ecm
# 08 debug network emm
# 16 debug network login
# 32 show mem/cpu stats every 1 min
# 64 add timestamp to log messages
D: { 04 }

# box type
# 00 autodetect, change only if you think wrong type detected.
# 01 dbox2
# 02 dreambox
# 03 triple-dragon
# 04 relook
# 05 openbox
# 06 dreambox/mips
# 08 stapi/kathrein
# 09 stapi/ipbox
# 11 stapi/openbox
B: { 00 }

# map all 180x nagra caids to 1801
# default is 01
#F: { 00 }

#B: { 12 }

30.06.2010, 02:53

CWS = Server.dyndns.tv 4500 USER passwort 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 lan cardserv #
CWS = sERVER.dyndns.tv 4015 User pASSWORT 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 lan cardserv #


# sample peer.cfg for gbox client in mgcamd
# syntax the same as in cwshare.cfg,
# you can just copy cwshare.cfg to this file.
# see below for supported tags, others not supported (yet).

# max cards to send ecm too + preffered cards ids (up to 32)
X: { 05 } 1234 ABCD

# max card's distance to use for ecm
I: ( 05 }

# resend after 2 seconds, re-sync (send to all) after 3 seconds
N: { 0 0 0 0 2000 3000 }
# same, but for NDS cards
S: { 0 0 0 0 400 500 }

# my host and password
M: { my.dyndns.com { 1234ABCD }}

# peers, unlimited number, but only up to 32 unique ports to listen
# host, port to listen, remote port, password, levels (ignored)
D: { peer1.dyndns.com { 2471 3471 { ABCD1234 { 9 9 }}}}
D: { peer2.dyndns.com { 2471 3471 { 6789ABCD { 9 9 }}}}

# ignore ids
Y: { 01 02 }
Y: { 02 03 }

# always save ids, caid-id + id
G: { 05023B00 1234 }
G: { 01000065 5678 }

# virtual cards
V: { 01 { 05 00 7C 00 }}
V: { 02 { 18 01 04 01 }}
V: { 02 { 18 01 05 01 }}
V: { 03 { 18 01 40 01 }}
V: { 03 { 18 01 41 01 }}

если я прописываю в Радар.cfg Линию N: Server.dyndns.tv user passwort 01020304... то вижу картинку примерно 3/4 минуты потом всё freeze и выглядит так (см. Фото)

Прописываю в mg_cfg всё как по настройкам МЖкамд то он пишет CAid на дисплее но не коннектывает.

Посматрите подскажите как етого зверя накормить

немчура пишет что они коннекты через Incubus и RaDar делают как Client но у них протокол не Newcam или Camd 3.xxx, а здесь в форуме как я понимаю нужен Newcam или Camd 3.xxx

если получится я обязательно отпишусь как этот ресивер правильно прошивать и что лутше для него

30.06.2010, 08:05
Какой еще радар?! Выкини его нах!
выбирай mgcamd
из настроек нужны файлы mg_cfg newcamd.list

и еще на форуме возьми приорити и игнор листы

30.06.2010, 12:37
да я бы рад его выкинуть но он в Панели встроен и даже если я только МЖкамд настраиваю и запускаю то он не идёт, низнаю почему

30.06.2010, 16:55
лог показывай и все узнаем

30.06.2010, 19:30
вот что говорит INCUBUScam.log

Using prio file: /var/keys/incubusCamd.prio

************** Starting log on Wed Jun 30 14:29:10 2010 **************

cam[di:-]: Ready.

SID:d108, NS:ffff0000, TSID:2714, ONID:f001, PMT PID:0075, DM:2, DMX:0
Root CA Info | CA Descriptors: 3
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1722, ECM PID: 03d1, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1834, ECM PID: 03d2, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 09c7, ECM PID: 03d3, PROV ID: 000000

PID Section | Type: 00 [], PID: 0075, CA Descriptors: 3
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1722, ECM PID: 03d1, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1834, ECM PID: 03d2, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 09c7, ECM PID: 03d3, PROV ID: 000000

PID Section | Type: 02 [MPEG2 Video], PID: 03cb, CA Descriptors: 0
PID Section | Type: 04 [MPEG2 Audio], PID: 03cc, CA Descriptors: 0
cam[di:-]: Selected: CAID:1722, ECM PID:03D1, ECM Table:80, PROV ID:000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 09c7, EMM PID: 1509, PROV ID: 000000

CA Descriptor | CAID: 1834, EMM PID: 1505, PROV ID: 000000

CA Descriptor | CAID: 1801, EMM PID: 1501, PROV ID: 000000

CA Descriptor | CAID: 1722, EMM PID: 1500, PROV ID: 000000

ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 14:29:14 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1722 - BetaCrypt.
Provider ID: 000000 - Supported.
Ecm PID: 03D1
Decoder: Using card reader.

ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 14:29:14 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1722 - BetaCrypt.
Provider ID: 000000 - Supported.
Ecm PID: 03D1
Decoder: Using card reader.

ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 14:29:15 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1722 - BetaCrypt.
Provider ID: 000000 - Supported.
Ecm PID: 03D1
Decoder: Using card reader.

ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 14:29:18 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1834 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 000000 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 14:29:27 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1834 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 000000 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 14:29:37 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1834 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 000000 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
Using prio file: /var/keys/incubusCamd.prio

************** Starting log on Wed Jun 30 14:58:14 2010 **************

cam[di:-]: Ready.

SID:d108, NS:ffff0000, TSID:2714, ONID:f001, PMT PID:0075, DM:2, DMX:0
Root CA Info | CA Descriptors: 3
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1722, ECM PID: 03d1, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1834, ECM PID: 03d2, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 09c7, ECM PID: 03d3, PROV ID: 000000

PID Section | Type: 00 [], PID: 0075, CA Descriptors: 3
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1722, ECM PID: 03d1, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1834, ECM PID: 03d2, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 09c7, ECM PID: 03d3, PROV ID: 000000

PID Section | Type: 02 [MPEG2 Video], PID: 03cb, CA Descriptors: 0
PID Section | Type: 04 [MPEG2 Audio], PID: 03cc, CA Descriptors: 0
cam[di:-]: Selected: CAID:1722, ECM PID:03D1, ECM Table:80, PROV ID:000000
cam[di:-]: Removing inactive service (SID: d108).
cam[di:1]: Decoder stopped for:
SID:d108, NS:ffff0000, TSID:2714, ONID:f001, PMT PID:0075, DM:2, DMX:0
cam[di:-]: Invalid message. Ignoring service request.

cam[di:-]: Removing inactive service (SID: 0000).
Using prio file: /var/keys/incubusCamd.prio

************** Starting log on Wed Jun 30 14:59:17 2010 **************

cam[di:-]: Ready.
Using prio file: /var/keys/incubusCamd.prio

************** Starting log on Wed Jun 30 15:11:32 2010 **************

cam[di:-]: Ready.

SID:d108, NS:ffff0000, TSID:2714, ONID:f001, PMT PID:0075, DM:2, DMX:0
Root CA Info | CA Descriptors: 3
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1722, ECM PID: 03d1, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1834, ECM PID: 03d2, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 09c7, ECM PID: 03d3, PROV ID: 000000

PID Section | Type: 00 [], PID: 0075, CA Descriptors: 3
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1722, ECM PID: 03d1, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1834, ECM PID: 03d2, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 09c7, ECM PID: 03d3, PROV ID: 000000

PID Section | Type: 02 [MPEG2 Video], PID: 03cb, CA Descriptors: 0
PID Section | Type: 04 [MPEG2 Audio], PID: 03cc, CA Descriptors: 0
cam[di:-]: Selected: CAID:1722, ECM PID:03D1, ECM Table:80, PROV ID:000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 09c7, EMM PID: 1509, PROV ID: 000000

CA Descriptor | CAID: 1834, EMM PID: 1505, PROV ID: 000000

CA Descriptor | CAID: 1801, EMM PID: 1501, PROV ID: 000000

CA Descriptor | CAID: 1722, EMM PID: 1500, PROV ID: 000000

ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 15:11:36 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1722 - BetaCrypt.
Provider ID: 000000 - Supported.
Ecm PID: 03D1
Decoder: Using card reader.

ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 15:11:36 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1722 - BetaCrypt.
Provider ID: 000000 - Supported.
Ecm PID: 03D1
Decoder: Using card reader.

ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 15:11:37 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1722 - BetaCrypt.
Provider ID: 000000 - Supported.
Ecm PID: 03D1
Decoder: Using card reader.

ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 15:11:37 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1834 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 000000 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 15:11:47 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1834 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 000000 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 15:11:57 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1834 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 000000 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 15:12:07 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1834 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 000000 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 15:12:17 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1834 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 000000 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
cam[di:1]: Client disconnected.
cam[di:1]: Decoder stopped for:
SID:d108, NS:ffff0000, TSID:2714, ONID:f001, PMT PID:0075, DM:2, DMX:0
cam[di:-]: Invalid message. Ignoring service request.

cam[di:-]: Removing inactive service (SID: 0000).

SID:d17b, NS:ffff0000, TSID:2718, ONID:f001, PMT PID:006a, DM:2, DMX:0
Root CA Info | CA Descriptors: 4
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1722, ECM PID: 1769, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1801, ECM PID: 1768, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1834, ECM PID: 0af8, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 09c7, ECM PID: 0af9, PROV ID: 000000

PID Section | Type: 00 [], PID: 006a, CA Descriptors: 4
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1722, ECM PID: 1769, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1801, ECM PID: 1768, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1834, ECM PID: 0af8, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 09c7, ECM PID: 0af9, PROV ID: 000000

PID Section | Type: 02 [MPEG2 Video], PID: 0af1, CA Descriptors: 0
PID Section | Type: 04 [MPEG2 Audio], PID: 0af2, CA Descriptors: 0
PID Section | Type: 06 [Teletext/VBI], PID: 0af4, CA Descriptors: 0
cam[di:-]: Selected: CAID:1722, ECM PID:1769, ECM Table:80, PROV ID:000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 09c7, EMM PID: 1509, PROV ID: 000000

CA Descriptor | CAID: 1834, EMM PID: 1505, PROV ID: 000000

CA Descriptor | CAID: 1801, EMM PID: 1501, PROV ID: 000000

CA Descriptor | CAID: 1722, EMM PID: 1500, PROV ID: 000000

ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 15:12:23 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1722 - BetaCrypt.
Provider ID: 000000 - Supported.
Ecm PID: 1769
Decoder: Using card reader.

cam[di:1]: Initializing EMM-G processor...
cam[di:1]: Waiting for card-server to become ready...
cam[di:1]: Waiting for card-server to become ready...
cam[di:1]: Waiting for card-server to become ready...
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 15:12:23 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1722 - BetaCrypt.
Provider ID: 000000 - Supported.
Ecm PID: 1769
Decoder: Using card reader.

ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 15:12:23 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1722 - BetaCrypt.
Provider ID: 000000 - Supported.
Ecm PID: 1769
Decoder: Using card reader.

cam[di:1]: Not decoded. Next ecm pid searching.

cam[di:1]: New ecm pid selected. Restarting filters.

ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 15:12:23 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1801 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 001101 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 15:12:28 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1801 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 001101 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 15:12:38 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1801 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 001101 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 15:12:48 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1801 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 001101 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 15:12:58 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1801 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 001101 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 15:13:08 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1801 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 001101 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 15:13:18 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1801 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 001101 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 15:13:28 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1801 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 001101 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 15:13:38 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1801 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 001101 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 15:13:48 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1801 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 001101 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 15:13:58 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1801 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 001101 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.

30.06.2010, 21:35
в первом логе были порты не правильно прописаны, сорри

************** Starting log on Wed Jun 30 18:45:02 2010 **************

cam[di:-]: Ready.

SID:d176, NS:ffff0000, TSID:2718, ONID:f001, PMT PID:0066, DM:2, DMX:0
Root CA Info | CA Descriptors: 4
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1722, ECM PID: 175f, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1801, ECM PID: 175e, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1834, ECM PID: 0904, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 09c7, ECM PID: 0905, PROV ID: 000000

PID Section | Type: 00 [], PID: 0066, CA Descriptors: 4
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1722, ECM PID: 175f, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1801, ECM PID: 175e, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1834, ECM PID: 0904, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 09c7, ECM PID: 0905, PROV ID: 000000

PID Section | Type: 02 [MPEG2 Video], PID: 08fd, CA Descriptors: 0
PID Section | Type: 04 [MPEG2 Audio], PID: 08fe, CA Descriptors: 0
PID Section | Type: 06 [Teletext/VBI], PID: 0900, CA Descriptors: 0
cam[di:-]: Selected: CAID:1722, ECM PID:175F, ECM Table:80, PROV ID:000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 09c7, EMM PID: 1509, PROV ID: 000000

CA Descriptor | CAID: 1834, EMM PID: 1505, PROV ID: 000000

CA Descriptor | CAID: 1801, EMM PID: 1501, PROV ID: 000000

CA Descriptor | CAID: 1722, EMM PID: 1500, PROV ID: 000000

ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 18:45:11 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1722 - BetaCrypt.
Provider ID: 000000 - Supported.
Ecm PID: 175F
Decoder: Using card reader.

ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 18:45:11 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1722 - BetaCrypt.
Provider ID: 000000 - Supported.
Ecm PID: 175F
Decoder: Using card reader.

ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 18:45:11 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1722 - BetaCrypt.
Provider ID: 000000 - Supported.
Ecm PID: 175F
Decoder: Using card reader.

ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 18:45:18 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1801 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 001101 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 18:45:28 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1801 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 001101 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 18:45:38 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1801 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 001101 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 18:45:48 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1801 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 001101 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 18:45:58 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1801 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 001101 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
cam[di:1]: Client disconnected.
cam[di:1]: Decoder stopped for:
SID:d176, NS:ffff0000, TSID:2718, ONID:f001, PMT PID:0066, DM:2, DMX:0
cam[di:-]: Invalid message. Ignoring service request.

cam[di:-]: Removing inactive service (SID: 0000).

SID:d108, NS:ffff0000, TSID:2714, ONID:f001, PMT PID:0075, DM:2, DMX:0
Root CA Info | CA Descriptors: 3
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1722, ECM PID: 03d1, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1834, ECM PID: 03d2, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 09c7, ECM PID: 03d3, PROV ID: 000000

PID Section | Type: 00 [], PID: 0075, CA Descriptors: 3
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1722, ECM PID: 03d1, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1834, ECM PID: 03d2, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 09c7, ECM PID: 03d3, PROV ID: 000000

PID Section | Type: 02 [MPEG2 Video], PID: 03cb, CA Descriptors: 0
PID Section | Type: 04 [MPEG2 Audio], PID: 03cc, CA Descriptors: 0
cam[di:-]: Selected: CAID:1722, ECM PID:03D1, ECM Table:80, PROV ID:000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 09c7, EMM PID: 1509, PROV ID: 000000

CA Descriptor | CAID: 1834, EMM PID: 1505, PROV ID: 000000

CA Descriptor | CAID: 1801, EMM PID: 1501, PROV ID: 000000

CA Descriptor | CAID: 1722, EMM PID: 1500, PROV ID: 000000

ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 18:46:05 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1722 - BetaCrypt.
Provider ID: 000000 - Supported.
Ecm PID: 03D1
Decoder: Using card reader.

cam[di:1]: Initializing EMM-U processor...
cam[di:1]: Waiting for card-server to become ready...
cam[di:1]: Waiting for card-server to become ready...
cam[di:1]: Waiting for card-server to become ready...
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 18:46:05 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1722 - BetaCrypt.
Provider ID: 000000 - Supported.
Ecm PID: 03D1
Decoder: Using card reader.

ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 18:46:05 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1722 - BetaCrypt.
Provider ID: 000000 - Supported.
Ecm PID: 03D1
Decoder: Using card reader.

cam[di:1]: Not decoded. Next ecm pid searching.

cam[di:1]: New ecm pid selected. Restarting filters.

ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 18:46:05 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1834 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 000000 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 18:46:08 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1834 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 000000 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 18:46:17 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1834 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 000000 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.
ECM[di:1] **** [Wed Jun 30 18:46:27 2010] Start processing ECM...
CaID: 1834 - NagraVision.
Provider ID: 000000 - Invalid or unsupported. Ignoring ECM.

01.07.2010, 03:06
нашел ещё один CAM по описанию должен принимать протоколы newcam и cs3xxx , посмотрите его по моему мнению легче настроить, не дайдте бедняге помереть


# main configuration


# general

nice = -1
waitforcards = 0
preferlocalcards = 0

# logging

disablelog = 1
maxlogsize = 1000
logfile = /var/oscam/log/oscam.log

disableuserfile = 1
usrfile = /var/oscam/log/user.log

pidfile = /var/run/oscam.pid

# monitor

port = 0
#port = 988
aulow = 120
monlevel = 1

# web interface

httpport = 8888
httpuser = user
httppwd = password
# access is allowed only from these IP
httpallowed =,,,
# access allowed from this dynamic client
#httpdyndns = myhostname.dyndns.com


enabled = 1
boxtype = dreambox
user = dvbapi_qboxhd
priority = 0500:024400,1803:000000,183d:000000
au = 1

# protocols
# these are used for oscam used as a SERVER
# if oscam is used as a CLIENT connecting remote server see oscam.server file

# --- protocols examples ---

#port = 12000
#version = 2.0.11
#build = 1234
#reshare = 2

#port = 30000
#suppresscmd08 = 1

#key = 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D
#port = 10000@0100:FFFFFF;10001@0200:FFF000,FFFF00;10002@0 300:FFFFFF

#port = 20000
#user = user1
#allowed =

#port = 30000@0100:FFFFFF;30001@0200:FFF000,FFFF00;30002@0 300:FFFFFF

#password = password1
#maxdist = 4
#cardinfos = card.infos
#ignorelist = ignore.list
#onlineinfos = online.infos
#locals = 01000000,02000000,0300FFFF

#device = user2@/dev/ttyS0?delay=1&timeout=300

# user configuration using oscam as SERVER for remote client
# (if you use oscam as simple CLIENT connecting remote server, see oscam.server)

# simplest account

#User = john
#pwd = PASSword
#group = 1

# ================================================== ==========
# DON'T CHANGE THIS USER: it manage EMM forward to readers
# You can enable/disable EMM forward to cards setting "AU"
# see docs/oscam.user
user = dvbapi_qboxhd
group = 1
au = 1
# ================================================== ==========

# --- user examples ---

# user for group 1 with Betacrypt tunnel, no monitoring, only one connection possible, AU enabled

#user = user1
#pwd = password1
#monlevel = 0
#uniq = 1
#group = 1
#au = reader1
#services = services1
#betatunnel = 0300.FFFF:0100,0400.FFFF:0100
#ident = 0100:000000
#caid = 0100

# user for group 2 with monitor access, AU enabled

#user = user2
#pwd = password2
#monlevel = 1
#uniq = 0
#group = 2
#au = reader2
#services = services2
#ident = 0200:000000
#caid = 0200

# user for group 2 without monitor access, AU disabled, account disabled

#user = user3
#pwd = password3
#disabled = 1
#group = 2
#services = services2
#ident = 0200:000000
#caid = 0200

# user for group 3 without monitor access, only one connection possible, AU disabled, multiple idents

#user = user4
#pwd = password4
#monlevel = 0
#uniq = 1
#group = 3
#ident = 0300:000000,FFFFFF;0400:FFFFFF
#caid = 0300

02.07.2010, 00:56
по ответам от немецких коллег, я понимаю их так что бокс или Эму тормозят если запрос/ответ идёт более чем через 3 интернет узла ! админы подскажите как с этим боротся ?? до меня 14 узлов, только что проверил, и на 13 узле TimeOut и того 210 ms

Админы ну помогите хоть Incubus настроить ведь всётаки 3 клиента хотят смотреть через Qbox, настроики от Kathrein уже пробовал, не идёт !

02.07.2010, 14:00
вроде нашел рабочий incubus 0,88 посматрите пожалуста Лог, наверно Incubus.prio неправильно или ?

LogUsing prio file: /var/keys/incubusCamd.prio

************** Starting log on Fri Jul 2 11:52:49 2010 **************

cam[di:-]: Ready.
Using prio file: /var/keys/incubusCamd.prio

************** Starting log on Sat Jan 1 01:01:08 2000 **************

cam[di:-]: Ready.
cam[di:-]: Message data:
9F 80 32 45 03 D1 75 01 00 2B 01 81 08 FF FF 00
00 27 18 F0 01 82 02 01 00 84 02 00 65 09 04 17
22 F7 5D 09 04 18 01 F7 5C 09 04 18 34 E8 A0 09
04 09 C7 E8 A1 02 08 99 00 00 04 08 9A 00 00 06
08 9B 00 00 06 08 9C 00 00

SID:d175, NS:ffff0000, TSID:2718, ONID:f001, PMT PID:0065, DM:2, DMX:0
Root CA Info | CA Descriptors: 4
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1722, ECM PID: 175d, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1801, ECM PID: 175c, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1834, ECM PID: 08a0, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 09c7, ECM PID: 08a1, PROV ID: 000000

PID Section | Type: 00 [], PID: 0065, CA Descriptors: 4
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1722, ECM PID: 175d, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1801, ECM PID: 175c, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 1834, ECM PID: 08a0, PROV ID: 000000
CA Descriptor | CAID: 09c7, ECM PID: 08a1, PROV ID: 000000

PID Section | Type: 02 [MPEG2 Video], PID: 0899, CA Descriptors: 0
PID Section | Type: 04 [MPEG2 Audio], PID: 089a, CA Descriptors: 0
PID Section | Type: 06 [Teletext/VBI], PID: 089b, CA Descriptors: 0
PID Section | Type: 06 [Teletext/VBI], PID: 089c, CA Descriptors: 0
cam[di:-]: Selected: CAID:1722, ECM PID:175D, ECM Table:80, PROV ID:000000
cam[di:1]: Error setting CA PID...
cam[di:1]: Error setting CA PID...
cam[di:1]: Error setting CA PID...
cam[di:1]: Error setting CA PID...
cam[di:1]: Error setting CA PID...
cam[di:1]: Demux timeout. Restarting filter.
cam[di:1]: Not decoded. Next ecm pid searching.

cam[di:1]: New ecm pid selected. Restarting filters.

cam[di:1]: Demux timeout. Restarting filter.
cam[di:1]: Not decoded. Next ecm pid searching.

cam[di:1]: New ecm pid selected. Restarting filters.

cam[di:1]: Demux timeout. Restarting filter.
cam[di:1]: Not decoded. Next ecm pid searching.

03.07.2010, 16:48
Спасибо всем большое. Бокса больче чем 4 Узла не тянет ! продал, купил Coolstream HD1 сразу всё заработало

=============*/ ?>