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Добрый день! где у вас можно взять VAR папку под skyway classic?
всем привет...хочу попросить о помощи .купил себе для дочки( Edision argus pingulux - Linux (DVB-S2) ) и не могу шару настроить где-то туплю и сам понять не могу где....у меня у самого Dream 800hd и всё работает без проблем ,,,,пихаю свой конфиг в Edision а там малевичь,,,,кто-нибудь может подсказать что-нибудь?
а чего вы считаете что файл mg_cfg у всех одинаковый?
вылаживай конфиг сдесь взглянем , хотя на ульке идет оф. подержка сей модели там и кухня имеджей, и настройки |
вот мой конфиг от дрима
# EMM messages # 00 don't show any EMMs (default) # 01 show only valid EMMs # 02 show valid and bad EMMs with complete data display M: { 01 } # ECM messages # 00 don't show anything about ecm # 01 normal mode, show pids processed, decoded ecm and cw # 02 verbose mode, show valid and bad ECMs with data C: { 01 } # AU # 00 disable, no emm pids processed # 01 enable, emm pids always processed for soft-au and shared cards # 02 auto, emm started only if channel cant be decoded # 03 process emm pids for network cards update only A: { 00 } # key update (sum 01 or 02 with 04) # 01 update only new keys, default setting # 02 update all keys (used for valid PMK checking) # 04 enable TPS au # + tps SID, which pmt pid contains au pid U: { 01 } 0x12c0 # config files folder (softcam, autoroll, ignore/priority) # 00 files in /var/keys # 01 files in /tmp T: { 00 } # network mode, use summ for several clients # 00 no network (default) # 01 newcamd netclient # 02 radegast netclient # 04 camd3 netclient # 08 gbox netclient # 32 cccamd netclient, card list saved as /tmp/cccamd.info # (ECM only, supported server version up to 2.1.1, later not work) G: { 01 } # network retry, use summ for several options # 00 disable # 01 retry every new ecm # 02 try to connect to offline shares every Q: seconds # 04 try to detect and fast reconnect to lost (and not used atm) server # + XX messages number and YY seconds to reconnect # mg will reconnect to server, if no answer to last XX ecm/keepalive or # if no answer for last ecm or keepalive sent for YY seconds # set to 0 to disable N: { 01 } 5 30 # network ecm timeout in seconds K: { 07 } # newcamd dead routes connect retry, sec Q: { 150 } # network shares priority # 00 gbox, newcamd, cccamd, radegast, camd3 (default) # 01 camd3, radegast, cccamd, gbox, newcamd # 02 newcamd, cccamd, camd3, gbox, radegast P: { 02 } # on screen display type # 00 No OSD (default) # 01 neutrino # 02 enigma # 03 relook # + user password for http auth O: { 00 } rrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr # on screen display Options, summ of: # 01 show emu ecm # 02 show network shares messages # 04 show decoding failed / fta # 08 show emm keys update # + web port to use for osd S: { 03 } 80 # Log option, summ of: # 00 off # 01 network udp log # 02 log to console # 04 file, appended ! delete it by yourself, before it eat all your hdd # + IP udp-port log-file-name L: { 01 } 514 # keep ecm cache, seconds # every cache entry takes 28 bytes, so 24h cache will take *only* 240-400kb of memory, # for openbox/elanvision users with remote shares make sense to set it higher than default value, # to not hammer cards while timeshifting or playing crypted recordings. E: { 00 } # cache option, summ of: # 00 Off (default) # 01 Ecm pids cache, store pids used to decode in /tmp/ca_cache.list at exit, load at startup, same syntax as restore.list # 02 Ecm data cache, remember CW for (E:) time # 04 Emm cache for network cards, do not resend the same emm twice, cache not cleared until restart H: { 07 } # reread files, summ of: # 00 No (default) # 01 reread config file on channel change (including priority and ignore, but not replace/cache) # 02 reread SoftCam.Key on channel change # 04 reread SoftCam.Key if file changed R: { 00 } # debug, summ of # 00 off (default) # 01 debug ecm # 02 debug emm # 04 debug network ecm # 08 debug network emm # 16 debug network login # 32 show mem/cpu stats every 1 min # 64 add timestamp to log messages D: { 04 } # box type # 00 autodetect, change only if you think wrong type detected. # 01 dbox2 # 02 dreambox # 03 triple-dragon # 04 relook # 05 openbox # 06 dreambox/mips # 08 stapi/kathrein # 09 stapi/ipbox # 11 stapi/openbox B: { 00 } # map all 180x nagra caids to 1801 # default is 01 F: { 00 } |
поправте если можно
тип бокса изминить # box type B: { 11 } |
с параметром B играйтесь
испытал этот параметр ? # box type B: { 11 } обязательно опишись о работе ресивера, планирую его вести в асортемент |
пробовал уже ставил уже (11)
а в newcamd.list не чего менять не надо`? всё как в дриме? или есть разница?
нет.Пробуй все знасения параметра В после каждой замены рестарт эму не забывай делать
всё перепробовал в (B) от 1до 12 ,,везде малевичь,,туплю по страшному ,,подмогните кто может пожалуйста
Друзья, помогите, что-то мне кажется есть у меня косячки в настройке мдж_кфг. |
помогите пожалуйста с настройками на( edision argus pingulux) стоит enigma2 s MGcamd_1.35, Oт моего дрима800 настройки не прут,,,,С вариантом (В) всё уже перепробовал от 1 до 12 всё ещё малевичь!!!!!!!
CWS_INCOMING_PORT = 12000 для skyway classic такие параметры оставлять или, такие как для дримов ставить? CWS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 120 CWS_KEEPALIVE =120 |
пробывал с ним? после инстала мг в кеис должен быть оригинальный конфиг |
вот так выглядит оригенальный конфиг
# EMM messages # 00 don't show any EMMs (default) # 01 show only valid EMMs # 02 show valid and bad EMMs with complete data display M: { 01 } # ECM messages # 00 don't show anything about ecm # 01 normal mode, show pids processed, decoded ecm and cw # 02 verbose mode, show valid and bad ECMs with data C: { 01 } # AU # 00 disable, no emm pids processed # 01 enable, emm pids always processed for soft-au and shared cards # 02 auto, emm started only if channel cant be decoded # 03 process emm pids for network cards update only A: { 00 } # key update (sum 01 or 02 with 04) # 01 update only new keys, default setting # 02 update all keys (used for valid PMK checking) # 04 enable TPS au U: { 05 } # config files folder (softcam, autoroll, ignore/priority) # 00 files in /var/keys # 01 files in /tmp T: { 00 } # network mode, use summ for several clients # 00 no network (default) # 01 newcamd netclient # 02 radegast netclient # 04 camd3 netclient # 08 gbox netclient G: { 01 } # network retry, use summ for several options # 00 disable # 01 retry every new ecm # 02 try to connect to offline shares every Q: seconds # 04 try to detect and fast reconnect to lost (and not used atm) server # + XX messages number and YY seconds to reconnect # mg will reconnect to server, if no answer to last XX ecm/keepalive or # if no answer for last ecm or keepalive sent for YY seconds # set to 0 to disable N: { 04 } 01 05 # network ecm timeout in seconds K: { 30 } # newcamd dead routes connect retry, sec Q: { 30 } # network shares priority # 00 gbox, newcamd, radegast, camd3 (default) # 01 camd3, radegast, newcamd, gbox # 02 newcamd, camd3, gbox, radegast P: { 02 } # on screen display type # 00 No OSD (default) # 01 neutrino # 02 enigma # 03 relook # + user password for http auth O: { 00 } # on screen display Options, summ of: # 01 show emu ecm # 02 show network shares messages # 04 show decoding failed / fta # 08 show emm keys update # + web port to use for osd S: { 00 } 80 # Log option, summ of: # 00 off # 01 network udp log # 02 log to console # 04 file, appended ! delete it by yourself, before it eat all your hdd # + IP udp-port log-file-name L: { 02 } # keep ecm cache, seconds # every cache entry takes 28 bytes, so 24h cache will take *only* 240-400kb of memory, # for openbox/elanvision users with remote shares make sense to set it higher than default value, # to not hammer cards while timeshifting or playing crypted recordings. E: { 00 } # cache option, summ of: # 00 Off (default) # 01 Ecm pids cache, store pids used to decode in /tmp/ca_cache.list at exit, load at startup, same syntax as restore.list # 02 Ecm data cache, remember CW for (E:) time # 04 Emm cache for network cards, do not resend the same emm twice, cache not cleared until restart H: { 00 } # reread files, summ of: # 00 No (default) # 01 reread config file on channel change (including priority and ignore, but not replace/cache) # 02 reread SoftCam.Key on channel change # 04 reread SoftCam.Key if file changed R: { 07 } # debug, summ of # 00 off (default) # 01 debug ecm # 02 debug emm # 04 debug network ecm # 08 debug network emm # 16 debug network login # 32 show mem/cpu stats every 1 min # 64 add timestamp to log messages D: { ff } # box type # 00 autodetect, change only if you think wrong type detected. # 01 dbox2 # 02 dreambox # 03 triple-dragon # 04 relook # 05 openbox B: { 11 } а это newcamd.list оригенальный CWS_KEEPALIVE = 300 CWS_INCOMING_PORT = 21000 |
Лог нужен,тогда многое прояснится.
Добрый день Всем! Кто-нить настраивал Kathrein912? Нейтрино прошил, а куда keys класть и как настроить не знаю. Подскажите пожалуйста если есть опыт!?
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